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Sergi Nicolas

Male / 39 years old / Barcelona / Spain

Let us introduce you to Sergi Nicolas, the most energetic and likable dude you will ever meet. We are very proud to say he is Team Captain of the British Knights sports team.

Hola! I’m Sergi Nicolas, professional streetboarder since 2002.


In 2002 I went pro and got my first sponsor. I felt really lucky at that time to do my sport profesionally.

Why streetboarding?
Why I like this sport so much is because it makes me feel free and alive, to be only me and my board, all the problems disepears. When I’m training or filming I don’t listen to any music, I like to hear the ‘music’ of the boards. But on the other hand when I’m in a big contest or demo my heartrate and adreneline go to the max when I hear the music pump !!!

I skate every genre, but it doesn’t matter what I skate, as long as I skate with my friends and have a good time!

Sergi and friends Triplete

Best memories?
I still can’t forget about my first World Cup, it was in 2000 and I was 15 years old. I got 4th place in overall and it took me to a big skate tour for three weeks in Australia. By then, my life was complete! I was the happiest boy alive!

Since then the most important thing for me has been meeting people, who now are my best friends. And I had the opportunity to visit the most gorgeous places in the world.
Now I see a bright future with my skating and my BK team. I hope for me and all the others that our journey continues and that we live happily ever after with our boards! 😉

Sergi South France

Wanna know more about Sergi Nicolas?
You will find all about him on our blog or his social media: